February 21-23 &

March 21-23

Life is filled with encounters… Some are good, and some are bad; some are planned while others are unplanned; some are trivial, and others are important; some change nothing while others change everything. Join us at one of our teen retreats, and we promise you will have one of the most extraordinary encounters of all; an encounter with the Living God could change your life forever!


These retreats will be held on the campus of New Brunswick Bible Institute, which is located 16 kilometres north of Woodstock, NB and 48 kilometres from Houlton, ME, at 2335 Route 103 in Victoria Corner, NB.

Click here for directions and a map of the location.



To attend this retreat, you must be in grades 7 to 12.

How Much?

Retreater—$54 (CAD) Driver/Leader—$20 (CAD) Pre-registration is required for all. Retreats fill quickly, so registration at the door is not allowed. No application will be considered complete without payment of fees.


Acceptance will be made on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the date of your application or payment. Space is limited, so register early! When you arrive at registration, you must have your permission slip signed by a parent/guardian.**

Things to Bring:

Bring your Bible, a notebook and pen, bedding, a modest swimsuit, indoor-only shoes and any other equipment you will need to play the sports of your choice – basketball, volleyball, etc. Bring warm clothing.

Youth Leaders


Check-in will be held Friday evening at 6:00 (Atlantic time). You will be expected to arrive after supper. The Friday evening meal will not be provided. No accommodations or meals will be provided after the noon meal on Sunday.


Bring your Bible, a notebook and pen, bedding, a modest swimsuit, and any equipment you will need to play the sports of your choice. . . basketball, volleyball, (indoor-only shoes), etc. Bring warm clothing.

US Citizens:

Those from the USA, 18 and under, travelling in a group vehicle must have a photocopy of their birth certificate (or other forms of proof of citizenship, such as a naturalization certificate). Please do not bring the original, as it may be misplaced/lost.

If you are a U.S. citizen, ensure you carry proof of citizenship such as a passport, birth certificate, a certificate of citizenship or naturalization, or a Certificate of Indian Status along with photo identification. If you are a U.S. permanent resident, ensure you carry proof of your status, such as a U.S. Permanent Resident Card.

Passports are required for all those who will be flying internationally.


** Permission Slips are available here.


Our Bookstore will be open, and times will be made available for you to visit.