Where is life’s journey taking you? What are the challenges that may await you? What are the things holding you back from being all that God wants you to be? God has a plan for your life and we want to help you discover it.
Foundation to Build On
God’s Word, the tool that will help you move safely, purposefully, and effectively through life, ought to be your first concern. We will help you come to know God’s Word.
Formation of Faith
We want to help you make your faith your own because walking with Jesus by faith makes life’s journey exciting and worth while.
Focus for Life
What is God’s purpose and plan for you? God has something in store for your life and we want to help you discover God’s direction so you can live a focused, godly life.
There are three major parts to our LifeQuest program that give you a well-rounded experience, each playing a necessary role in preparing you for life.
As you study, we will equip you with a practical, workable knowledge of God’s Word and put tools in your hands that will help you discover what He has for your life. You will dig deep into courses such as Biblical Foundations, Theology, Missions, Church History, Evangelism, Discipleship, New Testament Survey and a variety of Bible books.
Practical Christian Service
All students participate in real life ministries where they are able to use what they are learning in a variety of ministry settings. Students may be placed in youth groups, Sunday schools, good news clubs, music or drama teams, or even jail ministries. This practical approach will help you to be beneficial to your local church.
Student Life
A major part of the LifeQuest program is student life. NBBI is a fantastic place to make lasting friendships as you study, grow, and serve together. It’s truly a family atmosphere!
Fall Semester
BI111 Genesis – 3hr
BI112 New Testament Survey – 3hr
BI132 Gospel of John – 3hr
CE 110 Effective Communication – 3hr
CE112 Christian Education – 2hr
HI111 Church History 1 – 1hr
PP111 Spiritual Life – 2hr
TH210 Theology 1 – 2hr
Winter Semester
BI112 New Testament Survey (contd.) – 3hr
BI152 Philippians – 1hr
BI161 II Peter & Jude – 1hr
CE111 Christian Ethics I – 1hr
CE120 Biblical Foundations – 3hr
MI111 Missions I – 2hr
PP112 Personal Evangelism & Discipleship – 3hr
TH210 Theology I (contd.) – 3hr
TH221 Hermeneutics – 2hr